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Il Punto sul Toro a Natale  from Freeonline.it - Comunicati stampa 
27/12 - Toro si conferma al settimo posto
Snai ? Formula 1: Vettel verso il quinto titolo mondiale, quota 2,10  from Freeonline.it - Comunicati stampa 
27/12 - Per i due piloti Ferrari, Alonso e Raikkonen, quota 5,00 e 11 ? A quota 5,00 anche Lewis Hamilton ? Titolo costruttori: Red Bull 2,30, Ferrari 3,75, Mercedes 3,30
Dr. Mrs Mariam Abacha 42 million dollar email scam  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Dr. Mrs Mariam Abacha 42 million dollar email scam that attempts to take your money and personal information
Web Filter Review  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Here are the web filter quotes I received back from Websense OpenDNS and Barracuda for organization web filtering plus my review.
Mr B. Bendik  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Mr B. Bendik email scam claiming to be from Daniel Adelard a solicitor at law and designed to take your money!
British America Tobacco Company  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
British America Tobacco Company promo winners and payment bank of CitiBank London Plc email.
TimThumb.php Vulnerability  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Have you seen a loss in website traffic lately? Have a WordPress site? There is a hack that tells search engines your site has moved but causes your website to act normal when humans visit, making it very difficult to notice until it’s too late. The hack is centered around the TimThumb.php vulnerability and allows […]
TeamViewer Remote Desktop Screen Sharing App  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Came across this cool free remote desktop application that allows you to control a pc from your iPhone, Droid or another computer called TeamViewer – best of all, it’s free to those of us that do charity work (such as helping others without payment ;). If you’re a business, they offer a one-time purchase price […]
Dr Ogun Email Scam  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Here is comment from a scammer hoping I’ll post it as it so that people fall for the scam. It targets those that have been dumped and want badly to get back with the person that dumped them. Hoping that they are desperate enough, she fabricates a story of how Dr. Ogun helped her get […]
Lotto Canada Guaranteed Winner  from Firewall Test, Web Tools and Free Internet Security Audit 
Lotto Scam claims your email address has won One Million United States Dollars US $1,000,000.00 in the Canadian Lottery Online Lucky Promotion Ontario 49

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