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Navy now allows women to wear ponytails, lock hairstyles  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:15) 
Navy now allows women to wear ponytails, lock hairstyles PROVIDENCE, R.I. >> The Navy says it will now allow servicewomen to sport ponytails and other longer hairstyles, reversing a policy that long forbade them from letting their hair down. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson says it makes the Navy more inclusive. Many black women had asked for changes to the female grooming standards. A female sailor announced the new policy during a Facebook Live event Tuesday with Richardson. Lock hairstyles, or ropelike strands, are also now allowed. Wider hair buns too. And women can wear ponytails while in uniform. At the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island Wednesday, women said they’re excited to switch from buns, which don’t fit well under helmets. Lt. Cmdr. Jess Cameron says it seems like a small thing, but it sends a larger message. Source: Navy now allows women to wear ponytails, lock hairstyles L'articolo Navy now allows women to wear po ...
Gobierno y sector privado buscan vías para fortalecer el turismo  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:14) 
Gobierno y sector privado buscan vías para fortalecer el turismo UN -. El Ministerio del Turismo (Mintur) dio inicio a una serie de mesas de trabajo con representantes del sector público y privado con el objetivo de  fortalecer este sector y diversificar la economía nacional. “Vamos a seguir avanzando, buscando soluciones que nos permitan elevar propuestas concretas de todas las áreas que fortalezcan el turismo nacional e internacional”, señaló la ministra de Turismo, Stella Lugo, durante la instalación de estas reuniones, reseñó AVN. En este encuentro se abordaron temas inherentes al área de transporte aéreo, terrestre y marítimo, refiere el despacho de Turismo en una nota de prensa. El presidente de la Asociación Venezolana de Hoteles Cinco Estrellas (Avecintel), Leonardo Gómez, saludó esta iniciativa y destacó la importancia de que el sector público y privado trabajen en conjunto para impulsar la actividad turística en el país. “Creemos que el f ...
Croacia: Laúltima vez que estuvo cerca de jugar la final de un Mundial  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:14) 
Croacia: La última vez que estuvo cerca de jugar la final de un Mundial Tuvo que pasar 20 años para que Croacia tenga una revancha en las semifinales de un Mundial. En Francia 1998, sucumbieron ante los anfitriones por 1-2 en un Stade de France abarrotado con más de 91 mil almas. El pase a la final les fue esquivo en la primera Copa del Mundo que disputaban en su historia, tras haberse formalizado como Federación Croata de Fútbol en 1990. Sin embargo, el dolor de la derrota se pudo paliar con la obtención del tercer puesto del torneo . Los croatas, que recién escribían su propia historia en Mundiales, le ganaron a la histórica -y finalista mundialista en dos ocasiones hasta ese entonces- selección de Holanda por 2-1. Tras ello, en el  Mundial Rusia 2018 , luego de dos décadas sin poder superar la fase de grupos (en Corea-Japón 2002, Alemania 2006, Sudáfrica 2014; no clasificó a Brasil 2014 ) jugarán la esperada final frente a Francia , ...
Gerente de Educación pasa horas en la carceleta  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:14) 
Gerente de Educación pasa horas en la carceleta El gerente regional de Educación  La Libertad , Rafael Moya, pasó unas horas en la carceleta de la Policía Judicial por el presunto delito Contra la Administración Pública.  Como se sabe Moya estaba con disposición de orden de captura por disposición del Cuarto Juzgado Penal Unipersonal. El gerente de Educación se presentó a declarar ante Policial Judicial. Cabe señalar que tres trabajadores de la Gerencia Regional de Educación: Mili Esmeralda Florián Castillo, María Julia Julissa Merino Alegr+ia y Milton Humberto Valdivia Rengifo también tienen orden de captura.  Source: Gerente de Educación pasa horas en la carceleta L'articolo Gerente de Educación pasa horas en la carceleta proviene da ,leconomico .
GOP fumes as more antisemitic robocalls for Republican rile voters  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:14) 
GOP fumes as more antisemitic robocalls for Republican rile voters For the second time in as many months, Bay Area voters are receiving anti-Semitic robocalls promoting little-known Republican candidates for Congress who have been disavowed by the party. Robocalls that went out Tuesday promote John Fitzgerald, who was the only Republican among three challengers in the June primary to incumbent Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord. Fitzgerald finished second with 23 percent of the vote to advance to the November runoff. “It was easily the most racist political ad I’ve ever come across in the Bay Area,” Robert Gammon, business development director for Telegraph Media which includes the East Bay Express, posted Tuesday on Twitter. He said the call claimed “Jews are taking over the world ‘and must be stopped.’” Fitzgerald was unavailable for comment Wednesday and it was unclear how many received the automated calls. On his campaign website We ...
Wine Country Fire survivors, county officials blast potential legislation  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:12) 
Wine Country Fire survivors, county officials blast potential legislation Brad Sherwood, a father whose Santa Rosa home was demolished in October?s Tubbs Fire, said on Wednesday he?d rather think about which countertops to choose for his family?s new home, or when his 6- and 8-year-old children will be able to return to their school. ?Instead, we?re talking about policy being developed in Sacramento that directly affects current and future wildfire survivors without the input of my local government,? he said. In a press event, Sherwood joined other Wine Country wildfire survivors and officials from three North Bay counties to condemn potential legislation they say is way through state legislature at the 11th hour to shirk liability from utility corporations to homeowners. Source: Wine Country Fire survivors, county officials blast potential legislation L'articolo Wine Country Fire survivors, county officials blast potential legislation provi ...
Mountain View: Landlord-backed initiative fails to qualify for ballot  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:08) 
Mountain View: Landlord-backed initiative fails to qualify for ballot MOUNTAIN VIEW — A controversial initiative that backers say would have reformed renter protections in Mountain View failed to qualify for the November ballot, leaving proponents eyeing another try in 2020. Laura Teutschel, spokeswoman for Measure V Too Costly, said the initiative was “within hundreds” of the roughly 5,000 signatures from the city’s registered voters needed to qualify for the 2018 election. Backers, which include landlords and the California Apartment Association, have until mid-October to submit the necessary amount of signatures to qualify for the November 2020 ballot or they will have to start the process over from scratch. “We are not comfortable with the number we have, but we are going to continue to collect them,” Teuschel said. Opponents, including the city’s mayor, had argued that the initiative actually would have repealed renter protection ...
Alumnas de colegio Arequipa no dan marcha atrás a protesta  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:06) 
Alumnas de colegio Arequipa no dan marcha atrás a protesta Hoy se cumple nueve días desde que las alumnas del colegio Arequipa comenzaron su protesta contra la directora Sandra Ballón a quien piden su retiro por presuntamente cometer actos discriminatorios y autoritarios. Ante esta situación, esta mañana el Ministerio Público tuvo que intervenir en la medida de fuerza y convocó a una reunión donde estuvieron presentes la docente involucrada, un grupo de alumnas y un representante de la UGEL Norte.  Mientras las puertas de la institución educativa permanecían reguardadas por policía, las demás escolares permanecieron afuera del plantel con carteles y realizando arengas.  A su salida de la reunión la fiscal de Familia, María del Carmen Cuadros, quien indicó que solicitarán a la UGEL la conformación de una comisión para solucionar el problema.  Por su parte la alcaldesa del colegio, Marcela Cáceres, informó que no se llegó a ningún acuerdo y contin ...
City to close Pawa?a park for a 7-week cleanup  from ,leconomico  (12/7/2018 0:05) 
City to close Pawa?a park for a 7-week cleanup Pawaʻa In-Ha Park in Kaheka is scheduled for a seven-week closure, starting Friday, to address several maintenance projects within the park, city parks officials said. The 1.68-acre park on South King Street between Keeaumoku and Kaheka streets, is normally closed from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., and is a place where homeless congregate. City crews have previously conducted cleanup operations around the sidewalks at In-Ha Park. The city Department of Parks and Recreation said the closure will allow its maintenance crews to repair the irrigation system, remove graffiti, do some power washing and fertilize and aerate the park turf. In addition, crews will repair tables and benches and trim trees. The park is scheduled to reopen on Friday, Aug. 31. Source: City to close Pawa?a park for a 7-week cleanup L'articolo City to close Pawa?a park for a 7-week cleanup proviene da ,leconomico .
Calciomercato: Juve-Ronaldo Affare REAL...Quotato anche il primo goal in Serie A  from Freeonline.it - News  (12/7/2018 0:00) 
Ufficiale Ronaldo alla Juve per circa 112 Milioni. Juve Vincente Champions League passato da 17,20 a quota 10,0. Quotato Ronaldo a segna per la prima giornata di Serie A a 1,40

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