?Utter nonsense!?
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:55)
?Utter nonsense!?
– Felix dismisses as spurious opposition vote- padding claims MINISTER of Citizenship Winston Felix has rejected insinuations that the present administration is allowing thousands of Haitians and Cubans to remain in Guyana and gain citizenship, so that they can vote at the upcoming 2020 General and Regional Elections. Speaking with reporters during a break at
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Source: ?Utter nonsense!?
L'articolo ?Utter nonsense!? proviene da ,leconomico .
House unites in grief
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:54)
House unites in grief
– as nation pays homage to slain fishermen THE Golden Arrowhead was on Monday flown at half-staff at several public buildings, as Guyana observed a national day of mourning in memory of over a dozen fishermen killed at sea by pirates back in April. During Monday?s sitting of the National Assembly, a moment of silence was observed by
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Source: House unites in grief
L'articolo House unites in grief proviene da ,leconomico .
House passes Local Authorities Amendment Bill
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:53)
House passes Local Authorities Amendment Bill
THE Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill No. 9 of 2018 was on Monday night passed following a marathon debate by parliamentarians representing both the government and opposition sides of the House. The Bill was passed with only the government?s proposed amendments. The government did not deem the amendments by the opposition necessary and therefore used
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Source: House passes Local Authorities Amendment Bill
L'articolo House passes Local Authorities Amendment Bill proviene da ,leconomico .
World Bank clears US$35M to prepare for oil
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:52)
World Bank clears USM to prepare for oil
AHEAD of first-oil in 2020, the Work Bank has approved a US$35M Development Policy Credit to strengthen Guyana?s financial sector and fiscal management capabilities. In excess of 3.7 billion oil-equivalent barrels have been discovered in eight reservoirs: Liza, Payara, Liza Deep, Snoek, Turbot, Ranger, Pacora and most recently Longtail-1, and the World Bank wants to
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Source: World Bank clears USM to prepare for oil
L'articolo World Bank clears US$35M to prepare for oil proviene da ,leconomico .
CDC wraps up damage risk assessment in Rupununi
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:51)
CDC wraps up damage risk assessment in Rupununi
– report to be presented to Cabinet THE Civil Defence Commission (CDC) in collaboration with the Ministries of Public Health and Public Infrastructure and the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo (Region Nine) over the past two days, conducted a damage risk assessment in the region, primarily along Karasabai, South Pakaraimas and
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Source: CDC wraps up damage risk assessment in Rupununi
L'articolo CDC wraps up damage risk assessment in Rupununi proviene da ,leconomico .
NGSA results for Thursday
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:49)
NGSA results for Thursday
The results of the 2018 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) will be announced on Thursday, June 28th, 2018 by the Minister of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. The results will be announced around 13:00Hrs in the boardroom of the National Centre for Education Resource Development (NCERD), Kingston, Georgetown. Henry had said that significant efforts and resources
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Source: NGSA results for Thursday
L'articolo NGSA results for Thursday proviene da ,leconomico .
Anuncian ganadores del Premio Nacional de Periodismo 2018
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:42)
Anuncian ganadores del Premio Nacional de Periodismo 2018
UN- . El Jurado Calificador del Premio Nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolívar 2018 dio a conocer este lunes su veredicto, resaltando el reconocimiento otorgado al comunicador Earle Herrera, a quien le fue otorgado el Premio Único Simón Bolívar ?por su vasta trayectoria en prensa, televisión, docencia y producción editorial?.
?Produce y conduce el espacio dominical Kiosco Veraz , transmitido por VTV, y escribe diariamente la columna El kiosco de Earle publicada en los diarios Correo del Orinoco y Ciudad Caracas?, reseña el texto difundido este lunes por la Fundación Premio Nacional de Periodismo.
Este año el jurado estuvo conformado por los profesionales del periodismo Érika Ortega Sanoja, Esther Quiaro, Víctor Hugo Majano, Félix Gerardi y Armando Carías, quienes evaluaron 176 trabajos postulados.
A propósito del bicentenario del Correo del Orinoco, semanario fundad ...
Street artist Banksy splashes Paris with works on migrants
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:40)
Street artist Banksy splashes Paris with works on migrants
PARIS (AP) ? Banksy is believed to have taken his message on migration to Paris, which has seen seven works attributed to the provocative British street artist.
The works attributed to Banksy have been discovered in recent days, including one near a former center for migrants at the city’s northern edge that depicts a child spray-painting wallpaper over a swastika.
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Nicolas Laugero Lasserre, editor of the Artistikrezo website that broke the story, said he heard a few weeks ago through contacts in the French street art world that Banksy was planning a trip.
He said he started looking for the works and came across the one in the northern Porte de la Chappelle neighborhood. The same wallpaper stencil was used in a 2009 exposition at the Bristol Museum, he said, describing it as “ ...
Do something drastic about these contractors
from ,leconomico
(26/6/2018 8:37)
Do something drastic about these contractors
Dear Editor, WHO or what is instrumental in making these dishonest and inept contractors get contracts in which they fleece the peoples? treasury by providing substandard quality and unsafe work? Guyana has experienced and endured these sorry and definitely unacceptable occurrences, under any circumstances whatsoever, for too long. Guyana has suffered this affront to the
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Source: Do something drastic about these contractors
L'articolo Do something drastic about these contractors proviene da ,leconomico .
HeroRat, la nuova famiglia di malware per Android che si diffonde tramite Telegram
from Freeonline.it - News
(26/6/2018 0:00)
Veicolato tramite app store di terze parti, social media e app di messaggistica, HeroRat possiede numerose funzioni di spionaggio e di estrapolazione dei file