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3 female suicide bombers kill at least 6 in Niger attack  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:24) 
3 female suicide bombers kill at least 6 in Niger attack NIAMEY, Niger (AP) ? A local official in Niger says three female suicide bombers have killed at least six people and wounded several others in an attack on a mosque in the country’s southeast. Elhadji Koura Boukar, a local councilor, says the women wearing explosive belts tried to enter the mosque in a southern area […] Source: 3 female suicide bombers kill at least 6 in Niger attack L'articolo 3 female suicide bombers kill at least 6 in Niger attack proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Motorist rescued from Hobart Lake  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:19) 
Motorist rescued from Hobart Lake VALLEY CITY, N.D. (AP) ? One person was rescued after a pickup truck plunged into Hobart Lake near Valley City. Barnes County Sheriff Randy McClaflin says divers from the Valley City Rural Fire District pulled the motorist from the water Monday. That person was taken to a hospital, but there’s no word on his or […] Source: Motorist rescued from Hobart Lake L'articolo Motorist rescued from Hobart Lake proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Transportistas de A. Paraná pretenden suba del pasaje  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:18) 
Transportistas de A. Paraná pretenden suba del pasaje Los empresarios del sector del transporte público de Alto Paraná pretenden aumentar el precio del pasaje, tras la suba del combustible. Mientras que en Ciudad del Este la municipalidad nunca se pronunció sobre el incremento unilateral de la tarifa por parte de los transportistas. Los empresarios del sector del transporte público de Alto Paraná pretenden […] Source: Transportistas de A. Paraná pretenden suba del pasaje L'articolo Transportistas de A. Paraná pretenden suba del pasaje proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Authorities: Teen girl learning to drive hits, kills 2 men  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:18) 
Authorities: Teen girl learning to drive hits, kills 2 men PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? Authorities say a 15-year-old girl learning how to drive struck and killed two men in a Philadelphia shopping center. The accident happened around 8:45 p.m. Monday. Authorities say the teen was driving with her mother and two other people in an SUV. They say she was entering a parking spot when something […] Source: Authorities: Teen girl learning to drive hits, kills 2 men L'articolo Authorities: Teen girl learning to drive hits, kills 2 men proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Syrian Kurds to pull out of key town, easing US-Turkey rift  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:14) 
Syrian Kurds to pull out of key town, easing US-Turkey rift BEIRUT (AP) ? A Syrian Kurdish militia says it’s pulling out of the key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serious rift between the United States and Turkey. The People’s Protection Units, known by their Kurdish acronym YPG, said in a statement on Tuesday that its advisers had completed their mission to train the local […] Source: Syrian Kurds to pull out of key town, easing US-Turkey rift L'articolo Syrian Kurds to pull out of key town, easing US-Turkey rift proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
86% de las denuncias por vulneración laboral contra migrantes recibe sanción en Magallanes  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:13) 
86% de las denuncias por vulneración laboral contra migrantes recibe sanción en Magallanes Entre enero y marzo se interpusieron siete denuncias, a partir de lo cual la entidad cursó igual número de fiscalizaciones, 6 de ellas con sanción. Ayer la Dirección del Trabajo dio a conocer el primer informe trimestral referido a trabajadores migrantes, estudio elaborado por su Departamento de Estudios y que es denominado ?Caracterización de la… Source: 86% de las denuncias por vulneración laboral contra migrantes recibe sanción en Magallanes L'articolo 86% de las denuncias por vulneración laboral contra migrantes recibe sanción en Magallanes proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Ex-territórios podem onerar União em R$ 2 bi  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:10) 
Ex-territórios podem onerar União em R$ 2 bi Em meio ao momento mais crítico da crise dos caminhoneiros que parou o País, o Congresso Nacional aprovou a Medida Provisória (MP) 817 que autoriza servidores dos ex-territórios de Roraima, Amapá e também de Rondônia a pedirem transferência para os quadros da União. Segundo apurou o jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e o Broadcast […] O post Ex-territórios podem onerar União em R$ 2 bi apareceu primeiro em ISTOÉ Independente . Source: Ex-territórios podem onerar União em R$ 2 bi L'articolo Ex-territórios podem onerar União em R$ 2 bi proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Pesar por muerte de educadora Eulalia Agüero Pletikosic  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:09) 
Pesar por muerte de educadora Eulalia Agüero Pletikosic La educadora de párvulos realizó sus estudios en la Escuela Normal de Angol y había enviudado hace poco más de un año, del escritor y poeta Marino Muñoz Lagos. Hondo pesar produjo en diversos círculos de la sociedad magallánica el fallecimiento este lunes de la antigua educadora Eulalia Agüero Pletikosic. Su deceso se produjo en… Source: Pesar por muerte de educadora Eulalia Agüero Pletikosic L'articolo Pesar por muerte de educadora Eulalia Agüero Pletikosic proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Sheriff hires officer fired for striking suspect with car  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:08) 
Sheriff hires officer fired for striking suspect with car LEXINGTON, Ga. (AP) ? A police officer in Georgia who was fired after hitting a fleeing suspect with his patrol car wasn’t out of work long. News outlets report Taylor Saulters was hired as an Oglethorpe County sheriff’s deputy on Monday, just one day after he was dismissed by the Athens-Clarke County Police. Police Chief […] Source: Sheriff hires officer fired for striking suspect with car L'articolo Sheriff hires officer fired for striking suspect with car proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .
Syrian Kurdish militia says it?s pulling out of key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serio  from ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti  (5/6/2018 13:08) 
Syrian Kurdish militia says it?s pulling out of key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serious US-Turkey rift BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian Kurdish militia says it’s pulling out of key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serious US-Turkey rift. Source: Syrian Kurdish militia says it?s pulling out of key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serious US-Turkey rift L'articolo Syrian Kurdish militia says it?s pulling out of key northern Syrian town, potentially easing a serious US-Turkey rift proviene da ,annunci gratuiti,annuncigratuiti .

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