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Daughters of man killed by Pasco police to split $500K in settlement  from ,americannewsonline  (29/5/2018 4:22) 
Daughters of man killed by Pasco police to split 0K in settlement Antonio Zambrano-Montes, 35, an orchard worker, died Feb. 10, 2015, after being shot at 17 times by officers responding to reports of a man throwing rocks at traffic. The officers were not charged. Source: Daughters of man killed by Pasco police to split 0K in settlement L'articolo Daughters of man killed by Pasco police to split $500K in settlement proviene da ,americannewsonline .
China recibirá a Irán para evitar interrupción de proyectos en medio de dudas s  from ,americannewsonline  (29/5/2018 4:22) 
China recibirá a Irán para evitar interrupción de proyectos en medio de dudas sobre acuerdo nuclear  China recibirá al presidente iraní, Hassan Rouhani, en el marco de una cumbre regional el próximo mes, en un intento por evitar la interrupción de proyectos conjuntos mientras que las grandes potencias buscan salvar el acuerdo nuclear con Irán después del retiro de Estados Unidos. Source: China recibirá a Irán para evitar interrupción de proyectos en medio de dudas sobre acuerdo nuclear  L'articolo China recibirá a Irán para evitar interrupción de proyectos en medio de dudas sobre acuerdo nuclear  proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Corral y Robles a?Once ideal? de Liga Femenil de España  from ,americannewsonline  (29/5/2018 4:21) 
Corral y Robles a ?Once ideal? de Liga Femenil de España MADRID.- Las mexicanas Charlyn Corral y Kenti Robles fueron elegidas para formar parte del llamado “Once ideal” de la temporada 2017-2018 de la Liga Femenil de España. Corral, quien se hizo del título de goleo con 24 anotaciones, fue una de las mejores jugadoras del equipo Levante, club con el que terminó en el octavo puesto de la clasificación, además de quedarse en cuartos de final de la Copa de la Reina. Mientras, Robles fue titular indiscutible con el Atlético de Madrid, que consiguio el título de la liga y que el sábado jugará la final de la Copa de la Reina ante el Barcelona. El resto de la lista del equipo “XI ideal” la conforma Sandra Paño, del Barcelona, como la mejor portera, su compañera Martha Torrejón, en la lateral derecha, y Mapi León, también del conjunto ?blaugrana?, en la zaga central. Asimismo, Ivana Andrés, del Valencia, como la otra zaguera destacada de la temporada, y la me ...
Maybe this Mariners season isn?t adding up, but winning is more fun than math  from ,americannewsonline  (29/5/2018 4:17) 
Maybe this Mariners season isn?t adding up, but winning is more fun than math The numbers don?t makes sense for a team that sits 13 games above .500 despite injuries and lost production. But just be glad to not sit through another lost season. Source: Maybe this Mariners season isn?t adding up, but winning is more fun than math L'articolo Maybe this Mariners season isn?t adding up, but winning is more fun than math proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Le PMI sorprese a utilizzare software pirata  from Freeonline.it - News  (28/5/2018 0:00) 
ESET Italia ricorda a tutti gli utenti che l?uso dei software pirata oltre a essere illegale è anche rischioso per la sicurezza del dispositivo su cui vengono installati
Champions League, Real Madrid - Liverpool: scommesse sulla vittoria del Liverpool in rialzo ma...  from Freeonline.it - News  (25/5/2018 0:00) 
Quasi metà delle scommesse è andata sulla vittoria del Real. Liverpool macchina da gol: mai nessuno come Salah-Firmino-Manè. Ronaldo e Salah mattatori assoluti anche per gli scommettitori
Family Access Network?s Partnership with Deschutes Brewery&Pine Mountain Sports  from ,americannewsonline  (24/5/2018 19:28) 
Family Access Network?s Partnership with Deschutes Brewery & Pine Mountain Sports In 2017, The Family Access Network (FAN) gratefully received a $15,000 3-year grant at $5,000 a year from Deschutes Brewery, which will be used to support 150 disadvantaged children and family members in Deschutes County. FAN advocates efficiently connect children and their families to essential needs such as nutritious food, warm clothing, healthcare, housing assistance, and much more. Employee-owned Deschutes Brewery has been in Bend since 1988. Aside from brewing exceptional beer, one of their core values is to ?build a healthier society?. For each barrel of beer they sell, Deschutes Brewery donates one dollar to charitable organizations. In 2015, they gave over $850,000 in cash and in-kind donations to various nonprofits in regions where Deschutes Brewery beer is sold. Additionally, FAN is thrilled to announce its recent partnership with Pine Mountain Sports, through their annual Community ...
Deschutes County releases proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget  from ,americannewsonline  (24/5/2018 19:25) 
Deschutes County releases proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget Deschutes County has released its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019. The County?s Budget Committee, which includes County Commissioners Tammy Baney, Tony DeBone and Phil Henderson and three appointed members, Bill Anderson, Bruce Barrett, and Mike Maier, will review the proposed budget during budget hearings, which will begin on Tuesday, May 29 at 9am and conclude on Friday, June 1. The public is welcome to attend, although testimony will not be allowed. A public hearing and final budget deliberations are scheduled for Monday, June 18, at 10 a.m.  Budget meetings, the public hearing, and final deliberations will be held at the Deschutes Services Center building, which is located at 1300 NW Wall St. in Bend. The proposed budget allocates resources to programs and services that support the goals and objectives that the Board of Commissioners has established: Safe communities Healthy people Economic vitality Eff ...
Redmond Municipal Airport Prepares for Increased Travelers this Memorial Weekend&Summer Season  from ,americannewsonline  (24/5/2018 19:24) 
Redmond Municipal Airport Prepares for Increased Travelers this Memorial Weekend & Summer Season With an expected increase in travelers during the upcoming 2018 Memorial Weekend and Summer Season, passengers at Redmond Municipal Airport (RDM) might experience longer wait times at the TSA Security Checkpoint and limited paid parking lot availability. To help RDM passengers ?know before they go?, RDM officials have updated the Airport website to include parking lot web-cams, located at http://www.flyrdm.com/?Airport-Parking-Lot-Cams and banner alerts with parking availability, updated every half hour. RDM encourages travelers to consider using alternative transportation options in lieu of using the paid parking lot. Those options include, but are not limited to ride sharing, ground transportation services such as taxi service and vehicles for hire, recruiting friends or family for a ride, or other off Airport overnight parking in legal areas. The curb at the front of the Air ...
Leading Edge Aviation Selected as Flight Partner for Forces to Flyers, A New Flight Training Researc  from ,americannewsonline  (24/5/2018 19:22) 
Leading Edge Aviation Selected as Flight Partner for Forces to Flyers, A New Flight Training Research Initiative Led by the U.S. Department of Transportation  (Photo above courtesy of Leading Edge) Leading Edge Aviation, Inc. has been selected as one of four official flight training institutions for the Forces to Flyers Research Initiative, contracted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and led in part by Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Under the contract, Leading Edge Aviation will provide flight training for up to 10 qualified U.S. Military veterans for the Western Pacific, Northwest, Mountain and Alaskan regions of the United States. The four institutions combined will train 40 veterans through the three year program. The Forces to Flyers research initiative, first announced by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao in November of 2017, will examine strategies for employing military veterans as pilots in order to address a severe pilot shortage i ...

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