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Motorcycle club challenges Sonora police over photographs on main street  from ,americannewsonline  (16/5/2018 23:14) 
Motorcycle club challenges Sonora police over photographs on main street This video contains profanities. After an outing last week in Sonora, a motorcycle club is butting heads with that town’s police department over photographs that it says constitute illegal profiling. A YouTube video that now has more than 15,000 views shows a Sonora police sergeant photographing the license plates of the Jus Brothers’ motorcycles, parked on downtown’s main street on the evening of Tuesday, May 8. The club members say they were gathered for Tuolumne County Bike Night. In the video, posted Thursday by a Jus Brothers member who identifies himself as Nate Smith, the club members loudly object to the sergeant’s actions. “Go ahead, spit on the blood of freedom,” one calls to him. The video’s description says: “Sonora Police has been hassling us and profiling us for over the last 6 months. … We have an American right to be apart of a moto ...
U.S. housing bonds market getting riskier  from ,americannewsonline  (16/5/2018 23:14) 
U.S. housing bonds market getting riskier Riskier U.S. mortgages are creeping back into the bond market again. The loans in question are nowhere near the toxic mortgages that brought down the financial system last decade. But they?re being made to people with lower credit scores and with more debt relative to their income. And in separate transactions tied to rental homes, … Source: U.S. housing bonds market getting riskier L'articolo U.S. housing bonds market getting riskier proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Please don?t repo Fido: Lawmakers look to ban pet leasing  from ,americannewsonline  (16/5/2018 23:11) 
Please don?t repo Fido: Lawmakers look to ban pet leasing How much is that maltipoo in the window? It could end up costing twice what it says on the price tag if the buyer is enticed into signing a pet leasing contract. Source: Please don?t repo Fido: Lawmakers look to ban pet leasing L'articolo Please don?t repo Fido: Lawmakers look to ban pet leasing proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Hector Moreno se machuca e seleção mexicana agora tem cinco dúvidas para Copa  from ,americannewsonline  (16/5/2018 23:11) 
Hector Moreno se machuca e seleção mexicana agora tem cinco dúvidas para Copa A seleção mexicana ganhou mais um problema para a Copa do Mundo. O zagueiro Hector Moreno, que atua pela Real Sociedad, teve confirmada nesta quarta-feira uma lesão de grau 1 na panturrilha esquerda e se tornou dúvida para o Mundial. O clube espanhol emitiu comunicado para informar que exames realizados nesta quarta-feira diagnosticaram o problema. […] O post Hector Moreno se machuca e seleção mexicana agora tem cinco dúvidas para Copa apareceu primeiro em ISTOÉ Independente . Source: Hector Moreno se machuca e seleção mexicana agora tem cinco dúvidas para Copa L'articolo Hector Moreno se machuca e seleção mexicana agora tem cinco dúvidas para Copa proviene da ,americannewsonline .
What's wrong with Wall Street? Businesses want'sense of place'  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:37) 
What's wrong with Wall Street? Businesses want 'sense of place' Curbless streets, better lighting and fewer “no-go’s,” those geometric boulders scattered around the New York Stock Exchange to thwart truck bombers. Those are among the suggestions in a study to… To view the full story, click the title link. Source: What's wrong with Wall Street? Businesses want 'sense of place' L'articolo What's wrong with Wall Street? Businesses want 'sense of place' proviene da ,americannewsonline .
¿Qué es la dieta nórdica? Podría reducir el riesgo de cáncer y diabetes  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:17) 
¿Qué es la dieta nórdica? Podría reducir el riesgo de cáncer y diabetes La OMS recomienda combinar la dieta nórdica con la dieta mediterránea para obtener mejores resultados. Ambos hábitos alimenticios ya son muy populares en varios países europeos. La entrada ¿Qué es la dieta nórdica? Podría reducir el riesgo de cáncer y diabetes aparece primero en El Semanario Sin Límites . Source: ¿Qué es la dieta nórdica? Podría reducir el riesgo de cáncer y diabetes L'articolo ¿Qué es la dieta nórdica? Podría reducir el riesgo de cáncer y diabetes proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Deadline approaches to apply to Longmont advisory boards  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:17) 
Deadline approaches to apply to Longmont advisory boards Longmont is still seeking applications from people interested in serving on city advisory panels, but the deadline for submitting applications is 5 p.m. Friday. Source: Deadline approaches to apply to Longmont advisory boards L'articolo Deadline approaches to apply to Longmont advisory boards proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Colorado wildlife officials kill bear they believe attacked 5-year-old girl near Grand Junction  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:16) 
Colorado wildlife officials kill bear they believe attacked 5-year-old girl near Grand Junction <p>Colorado wildlife officials say they believe they have killed a black bear that attacked and injured a 5-year-old girl in Grand Junction early Sunday.</p> Source: Colorado wildlife officials kill bear they believe attacked 5-year-old girl near Grand Junction L'articolo Colorado wildlife officials kill bear they believe attacked 5-year-old girl near Grand Junction proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Drilling Reports for May 11, 2018  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:16) 
Drilling Reports for May 11, 2018 Drilling Reports for May 11, 2018 Source: Drilling Reports for May 11, 2018 L'articolo Drilling Reports for May 11, 2018 proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Price cuts for luxury city condos continue with week's top deal  from ,americannewsonline  (14/5/2018 18:15) 
Price cuts for luxury city condos continue with week's top deal It’s tough to make a profit if you bought a Manhattan condo at the height of Midtown’s luxury frenzy. Consider the top apartment to go into contract last week: a 4,545-square-foot, four-bedroom… To view the full story, click the title link. Source: Price cuts for luxury city condos continue with week's top deal L'articolo Price cuts for luxury city condos continue with week's top deal proviene da ,americannewsonline .

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