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Mystery surrounds landing of North Korean airliner in China  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 10:09) 
Mystery surrounds landing of North Korean airliner in China BEIJING (AP) ? Japanese and South Korean media are speculating that a high-ranking North Korean official, possibly even leader Kim Jong Un, is visiting China after an airliner from the North landed in the Chinese port city of Dalian. The South’s official Yonhap News Agency said the plane arrived Monday amid tight security. Japanese broadcaster […] Source: Mystery surrounds landing of North Korean airliner in China L'articolo Mystery surrounds landing of North Korean airliner in China proviene da ,americannewsonline .
UK foreign secretary attacks May customs proposal as?crazy?  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 10:08) 
UK foreign secretary attacks May customs proposal as ?crazy? LONDON (AP) ? British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has attacked Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan for a customs partnership with the European Union after the U.K. leaves the bloc ? the latest sign of dissent within her Cabinet. Johnson told the Daily Mail newspaper that the partnership idea was “crazy” and would create a “whole […] Source: UK foreign secretary attacks May customs proposal as ?crazy? L'articolo UK foreign secretary attacks May customs proposal as ?crazy? proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Serbia?s finance minister Dusan Vujovic quitting post  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 10:04) 
Serbia?s finance minister Dusan Vujovic quitting post BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) ? Serbia’s government says finance minister Dusan Vujovic is quitting his post for personal reasons. The office of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Tuesday that Vujovic has sent a letter informing her of the decision. A former World Bank economist, Vujovic joined the Serbian government in 2014. It was not immediately clear […] Source: Serbia?s finance minister Dusan Vujovic quitting post L'articolo Serbia?s finance minister Dusan Vujovic quitting post proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Man charged with threatening another man in airport area  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 10:00) 
Man charged with threatening another man in airport area Prosecutors charged a 47-year-old man today for allegedly threatening a 30-year-old man with a dangerous instrument in the airport area. Douglas Palmer was charged with first-degree terroristic threatening. The 30-year-old man was afraid 47-year-old man would cause bodily injury. Police located Palmer and arrested him at 3:05 p.m. Sunday. He was charged Monday and his bail was set at $20,000. Source: Man charged with threatening another man in airport area L'articolo Man charged with threatening another man in airport area proviene da ,americannewsonline .
"La fobia más frecuente es la social", según especialista del Minsa  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 9:59) 
"La fobia más frecuente es la social", según especialista del Minsa Si bien faltan cinco meses para el “ Día Mundial de la Fobia”, el psiquiatra Humberto Maldonado, miembro del equipo técnico de la Dirección Nacional de Salud Mental del Ministerio de Salud, consideró momento oportuno para hablar sobre el asunto, debido a que el 7% de la población padece de ansiedad; que viene a ser un estado mental que se caracteriza por una gran inquietud en los seres humanos, la cual está vinculada directamente con la fobia . Maldonado explicó que la fobia  es el temor intenso ante ciertas circunstancias que se enfrentan en la vida o el miedo excesivo por animales, insectos, etc. ?La fobia más frecuente es la social. La ansiedad en este trastorno aparece en una situación de contacto. Tiene relación justamente con sentirse juzgado, expuesto a los demás, lo que trata de evitarse a toda costa?, mencionó en diálogo con el programa Saludable Mente del canal onli ...
Superávit comercial da China com EUA salta 43,8% em abril  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 9:55) 
Superávit comercial da China com EUA salta 43,8% em abril O superávit comercial da China com os EUA deu um salto de 43,8% em abril ante março, a US$ 22,19 bilhões, segundo dados publicados hoje pela Administração Geral de Alfândega do país asiático. Entre janeiro e abril, a China acumulou superávit de US$ 80,4 bilhões no comércio com os EUA, 13,4% maior do que em […] O post Superávit comercial da China com EUA salta 43,8% em abril apareceu primeiro em ISTOÉ Independente . Source: Superávit comercial da China com EUA salta 43,8% em abril L'articolo Superávit comercial da China com EUA salta 43,8% em abril proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Teen arrested for allegedly assaulting girl who had protective order against him  from ,americannewsonline  (8/5/2018 9:50) 
Teen arrested for allegedly assaulting girl who had protective order against him Police arrested this morning a 15-year-old boy for allegedly assaulting on Sunday a 14-year-old girl who had a protective order against him. Police said the boy allegedly physically injured the girl at 6:30 a.m. Sunday. The boy was arrested today at 7:35 a.m. on suspicion of second-degree assault. He was later released pending investigation. Source: Teen arrested for allegedly assaulting girl who had protective order against him L'articolo Teen arrested for allegedly assaulting girl who had protective order against him proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Placido Domingo Jr. incanta La Pellicola d'Oro  from Freeonline.it - News  (8/5/2018 0:00) 
Cala il sipario sulla VIII^ edizione de La Pellicola d?Oro il prestigioso Premio cinematografico, promosso ed organizzato dall?Ass.ne Cult.le ?Articolo 9 Cultura e Spettacolo? e dalla ?Sas Cinema? di cui è Presidente lo scenografo e regista Enzo De Camillis, ideatore del Premio.
Venice Summer Music, ecco i primi ?Big? annunciati: in esclusiva italiana la Star mondiale ?Kygo? e  from Freeonline.it - News  (8/5/2018 0:00) 
Il prossimo 28 luglio attesi migliaia di giovani al Parco San Giuliano di Mestre. Annunciata la presenza dell?artista da un miliardo di ascolti e di un format spagnolo dalle scenografie mozzafiato. L?evento è stato fortemente voluto dal Comune. Gli organizzatori di Venezia Eventi Metropolitani: ?E? l?inizio di una nuova era per i grandi live a Venezia?
Solesicuro.it, la prevenzione inizia online  from Freeonline.it - News  (8/5/2018 0:00) 
Consigli utili e test per esporsi al sole in modo corretto e ?personalizzare? la protezione della propria pelle. Uno strumento utile per adulti e bambini, ideato dall?Associazione Italiana di Dermatologia e Cosmetologia col supporto di OMIA

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