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Tamaulipas proyecta inversiones de mil 147 mdd dentro de ramo energético  from ,americannewsonline  (14/4/2018 23:14) 
Tamaulipas proyecta inversiones de mil 147 mdd dentro de ramo energético Tamaulipas se ha convertido en el destino de grandes inversiones, nacionales y extranjeras Source: Tamaulipas proyecta inversiones de mil 147 mdd dentro de ramo energético L'articolo Tamaulipas proyecta inversiones de mil 147 mdd dentro de ramo energético proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Defiant Syrians say West hasn?t shaken their resolve  from ,americannewsonline  (14/4/2018 23:14) 
Defiant Syrians say West hasn?t shaken their resolve By BASSEM MROUE, BASSAM HATOUM and ALBERT AJI DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Hundreds of Syrians poured into the streets of Damascus on Saturday, dancing and chanting in defiance of what they called the West’s “failure” to shake their nation’s resolve with airstrikes that jolted the capital only hours earlier. The demonstrations in support of President Bashar Assad were carried live on state TV, which also reported that Syrian air defenses had intercepted most of the missiles fired by the United States, Britain and France to punish Syria’s purported use of chemical weapons. The broadcaster also urged people not to believe media reports that exaggerated the results of the airstrikes. “We are not scared of America’s missiles. We humiliated their missiles,” said Mahmoud Ibrahim, who waved a Syrian flag as he hung out of his car window. As car horns blared, the crowd moved toward n ...
Free Wi-Fi d'alta quota tra le Dolomiti  from Freeonline.it - News  (13/4/2018 0:00) 
I passeggeri della funivia del Cermis, nelle Dolomiti, possono restare connessi lungo tutto il percorso grazie ad una installazione che offre Wi-Fi gratuito di elevata qualità.
Dopo il trionfo sul Barca la Roma vincente la Champions League e? tra le puntate piu? gettonate  from Freeonline.it - News  (13/4/2018 0:00) 
Il 31% delle giocate in questi giorni sono state effettuate sulla Roma Vincente Champions League. La quota e? crollata da 251 a 11
Red Hat potenzia il cloud ibrido con la più recente versione di Red Hat Enterprise Linux  from Freeonline.it - News  (12/4/2018 0:00) 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 offre coerenza per gli ambienti hybrid IT, potenzia la sicurezza e assicura interoperabilità con Windows e una riduzione del costo dello storage
Padova, lanciata la prima App per aiutare il prossimo  from Freeonline.it - News  (12/4/2018 0:00) 
Un gruppo di padovani ha cercato di dare una risposta concreta al problema della sicurezza con BeAngel, un?app che nasce dall?idea di prestare un aiuto concreto al prossimo.
Black Brings In $3.3 Million; Lee Has $3.3 Million, Boyd $2.6 Million, Dean $549,168 In Governor Rac  from ,americannewsonline  (11/4/2018 23:44) 
Black Brings In .3 Million; Lee Has .3 Million, Boyd .6 Million, Dean 9,168 In Governor Race In Latest Reporting Period Source: Black Brings In .3 Million; Lee Has .3 Million, Boyd .6 Million, Dean 9,168 In Governor Race In Latest Reporting Period L'articolo Black Brings In $3.3 Million; Lee Has $3.3 Million, Boyd $2.6 Million, Dean $549,168 In Governor Race In Latest Reporting Period proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Iowa health officials seek second cannabis oil manufacturer  from ,americannewsonline  (11/4/2018 23:28) 
Iowa health officials seek second cannabis oil manufacturer DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) ? The Iowa Department of Public Health is seeking a second medical cannabis oil manufacturer. Interested parties must notify their intent to apply by 4 p.m. May 16. Formal applications will be due May 31. The department will announce its intended licensee June 29. The state’s first manufacturer, MedPharm Iowa, which […] Source: Iowa health officials seek second cannabis oil manufacturer L'articolo Iowa health officials seek second cannabis oil manufacturer proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Salt Lake County?s lawsuit seeks damages for opioid crisis  from ,americannewsonline  (11/4/2018 23:28) 
Salt Lake County?s lawsuit seeks damages for opioid crisis SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Salt Lake County has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals that it claims have contributed to the opioid addiction crisis seen countywide. The Deseret News reports the county filed the lawsuit in the 3rd District Court on Tuesday. The lawsuit claims that the uptick in opioid addiction […] Source: Salt Lake County?s lawsuit seeks damages for opioid crisis L'articolo Salt Lake County?s lawsuit seeks damages for opioid crisis proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Groups seek to open 17 charter schools in Mississippi  from ,americannewsonline  (11/4/2018 23:28) 
Groups seek to open 17 charter schools in Mississippi JACKSON, Miss. (AP) ? Groups are expressing interest in opening 17 charter schools in Mississippi. The state’s Charter School Authorizer Board on Monday accepted letters of intent from 16 potential school operators. Existing charter school operator RePublic Schools, which is operating two middle schools in Jackson and has an elementary school scheduled to open in […] Source: Groups seek to open 17 charter schools in Mississippi L'articolo Groups seek to open 17 charter schools in Mississippi proviene da ,americannewsonline .

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