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Australians rescued a giant spider. The rest of the world wonders why.  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:13) 
Australians rescued a giant spider. The rest of the world wonders why. For the past day, people around the world – at least the ones who can get past a certain spider video without screaming “kill it with fire!” – have been engaged in a rigorous debate about whether Andrea Gofton is one of the most compassionate Australians on her continent, or simply insane. This month, her community has endured its worst flooding in almost a decade – nearly 20 inches since March 1. Homes and roads are flooded; students on a field trip to Echo Creek Adventure Park got more creek and more adventure than they were expecting; and towns have been declared a “disaster area.” Still, all things considered, the waterlogged population has escaped mostly unscathed. At least the humans. It is a tough time to be an air-breathing animal in northeast Australia. Dens and burrows are flooded. Food sources are underwater and water-adept predators, particularly crocodi ...
Yanquis refuerzan el cuadro de cara a temporada de Grandes Ligas  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:12) 
Yanquis refuerzan el cuadro de cara a temporada de Grandes Ligas 12 de marzo de 2018, 23:48Washington, 12 mar (PL) Los Yanquis de Nueva York reforzaron su infield de cara a la próxima temporada de las Grandes Ligas del béisbol estadounidense al incorporar hoy a su roster al agente libre Neil Walker. Source: Yanquis refuerzan el cuadro de cara a temporada de Grandes Ligas L'articolo Yanquis refuerzan el cuadro de cara a temporada de Grandes Ligas proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Do the math, you idiot!  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:12) 
Do the math, you idiot! It is such a pity that the Alliance For Change, that was set to devastate and could have electorally wrecked the PPP, faded away so quickly. It is such a pity that Moses Nagamootoo’s legacy evaporated so rapidly (history is going to judge this failed mandarin harshly) because such realities have allowed the PPP to resuscitate and reenergize. The PPP isn’t going to win in 2020 and long before 2020, many of its leaders should have been before the courts (only one so far, Jennifer Westford) but it has to be a social caricature of the worst kind to have such a party parading itself in front of the nation. Make no mistake, the crowds at the 2018 Babu Jaan death anniversary of Cheddi Jagan came from unemployed sugar workers. Such was an unfortunate situation because they are indeed frustrated people. But that is the irony of the whole situation. Now they are disenchanted, they will vote for the PPP. When they were badly off they still voted for the PP ...
Mr President, political old talk will not work on the ExxonMobil contract  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:10) 
Mr President, political old talk will not work on the ExxonMobil contract Dear President Granger, You continue neglecting my calls for decisive action on the oil contract, but because I love my country, I will not let you hide. During many years as a top soldier, you learned that “political old talk” does absolutely nothing to solve our problems. You, Sir, to your credit, detest the habit, or at least you used to. In Chapter 9 (Guyana?s Gangs), of your fine book, “Public Security”, on page 64, you said: “If the police want their crime fighting strategy to have any credibility, they have an obligation to be objective and to base their plans on a sound evidential foundation rather than political old talk”. Well Mr. President, your government now has to heed your advice, and stop bluffing Guyanese with ?political old talk?. We messed up badly on the ExxonMobil contract, Guyana is mortally wounded as a result, and political old talk will simp ...
The Auditor General has acted correctly  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:10) 
The Auditor General has acted correctly The statements attributed to the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), and relating to the Auditor General, are appalling. There was no need for that sort of reaction which was intemperate and ill-advised. At the centre of the controversy was the spending of millions of dollars on purchases which ranged from radios to pliers, batteries and toners. This was in the run-up to the 2015 General and Regional Elections. The public has an interest in the outcome of the audit by the Auditor General. It is hoped that the Commission, also, is of the same mind. The Kaieteur News last week reported the Chairman of GECOM as saying that the Auditor General is free to go directly to the police in relation to allegations of fraudulent procurement practices at the Commission. The Chairman, Justice James Patterson, needs to be reminded that while there is nothing preventing the Auditor General from doing so, this is not the Auditor General̵ ...
Tigres vs Toronto FC, EN VIVO, Concacaf Liga de Campeones, Vuelta, Cuartos de Final  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:10) 
Tigres vs Toronto FC, EN VIVO, Concacaf Liga de Campeones, Vuelta, Cuartos de Final No te pierdas el  minuto a minuto  del partido Tigres  vs Toronto,  correspondiente a  la vuelta de los Cuartos de Final de la CONCACAF Liga de Campeones.   El encuentro lo podrás seguir  en vivo , este  martes,   en punto de las 20 :00 horas, por Fox Sports (Canal 553 SKY)  MxM GOLES ALINEACIONES TIGRES Guzmán, Jiménez, Juninho, Ayala, Torres Nilo, Vásquez, Aquino, Dueñas, Zelarayán, Vargas, Valencia TORONTO Bono, Morrow, Moor, Zavaleta, Mavinga, Bradley, Delgado, Osorio, Altidore, Giovinco, Van Der Wiel PREVIA La derrota de la semana pasada en Toronto ante el campeón de la MLS dentro los cuartos de final de la Concachampions, propició que medios canadienses se refirieran a Tigres como un equipo de papel, por lo que esta noche, cuando reciban la vuelta en San Nicolás de los Garza, los monarcas de la Liga MX deberán tener una actuación convincente que les perm ...
Latest nor?easter starts to slam storm-battered Northeast  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:09) 
Latest nor?easter starts to slam storm-battered Northeast BOSTON — The third major nor’easter in two weeks started to slam the storm-battered Northeast Tuesday morning with blizzard conditions expected in some areas. The National Weather Service issued a blizzard warning for much of the Massachusetts coast, a winter storm warning for most of New England and a winter weather advisory for portions of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. “Three nor’easters in less than 2 weeks isn’t easy on anyone — and we are extremely grateful for the hard work of our first responders, utility and road crews, and municipal officials who have been working nonstop to clean up after these powerful storms,” Republican Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker wrote on Twitter Monday night. The storm is expected to last through most of the day Tuesday, disrupting road and air travel. The flight-tracking site FlightAware already is reporting more than 1,300 cancel ...
Slackness at Fisheries Department  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:09) 
Slackness at Fisheries Department Dear Editors, Guyana will no longer be able to export hassar, gillbacker, and cuirass to the U.S. These fish are a significant part of the export basket of fishing products to the US. This loss will add to the ever shrinking foreign reserve earnings of the country and to unemployment in the fishing industry. Guyana was given 18 months to revamp its regulations and inspection manual to confirm to the new United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requirements. This grace period ended on September 1, 2017. The Guyana Department of Fisheries was unable to comply so the Guyana economy will now take another blow. Chief Fisheries Officer, Denzil Roberts, was very evasive about the reasons for the non-compliance but I suspect that the Ministry of Fisheries was asleep at the wheel. In other jurisdictions, heads would roll. Mohabir Ramjeesingh Source: Slackness at Fisheries Department L'articolo Slackness at Fisheries Department prov ...
Village takes traffic camera case to state?s high court  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:09) 
Village takes traffic camera case to state?s high court NEW MIAMI, Ohio (AP) ? An Ohio village ordered to pay back $3 million in citations stemming from automated traffic cameras is taking its case to the state Supreme Court. The Hamilton-Middletown Journal News reports New Miami has asked the Ohio Supreme Court to hear its appeal. Lower courts have ruled that New Miami isn’t […] Source: Village takes traffic camera case to state?s high court L'articolo Village takes traffic camera case to state?s high court proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Audubon: Number of loons in Maine holding steady  from ,americannewsonline  (13/3/2018 5:09) 
Audubon: Number of loons in Maine holding steady FALMOUTH, Maine (AP) ? Maine Audubon says the results of its annual loon count last year showed a population that appears to be holding steady. Maine has the largest common loon population in the eastern U.S. The bird’s range has shrunk in the United States, and it faces threats such as environmental pollution. Audubon says […] Source: Audubon: Number of loons in Maine holding steady L'articolo Audubon: Number of loons in Maine holding steady proviene da ,americannewsonline .

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