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Pats finding their stride on road trip  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:16) 
Pats finding their stride on road trip The Regina Pats are officially on the road to the WHL playoffs. With just five games left, the Pats are using their current road trip to galvanize for the post-season ? an approach that yielded three straight victories to begin their five-game jaunt. The latest stop ? a 6-3 decision over the Central Division-leading Medicine Hat Tigers ? was the best example so far. In fact, head coach/GM John Paddock called Tuesday’s win one of their most-complete performances of the season. ?Our focus is to try and keep getting better,? said Paddock, whose team (36-25-5-1) concludes the trip this weekend with games against the Kootenay Ice (Friday) and Lethbridge Hurricanes (Saturday). ?I?ve talked about it long enough that it?s a process for us. Well, the playoffs are around the corner so there?s no more process (when the regular season ends). It has to be right dialled in.? Paddock believes the Pats have improved each game on the trip. T ...
Autor de massacre na Flórida recebe 17 acusações de homicídio  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:13) 
Autor de massacre na Flórida recebe 17 acusações de homicídio Nikolas Cruz, réu confesso da chacina no mês passado em uma escola da Flórida , foi acusado formalmente nesta quarta-feira (7) de 34 crimes: 17 homicídios e 17 tentativas de homicídio, informou a promotoria. Um grande júri do condado de Broward, no sul da Flórida, acusou Cruz de 17 crimes de homicídio qualificado pelas 17 vítimas fatais no massacre cometido na escola Marjory Stoneman Douglas, em Parkland – ao norte de Miami -, em 14 de fevereiro passado. As outras 17 acusações por tentativa de homicídio qualificado se referem aos 17 feridos no ataque a tiros, segundo um comunicado do promotor estatual Michael Satz. No dia de São Valentim, Cruz atirou contra estudantes e professores com um fuzil semiautomático AR-15, também usado em outros ataques a tiros similares nos EUA. Foi capturado tentando fugir. Os estudantes de Parkland iniciaram um dia depois o movimento “Nunca mais”, identificado pel ...
Frustrada provocación anticubana  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:13) 
Frustrada provocación anticubana La Habana, 7 mar (PL) Cuba negó hoy el ingreso al territorio nacional de los expresidentes de Colombia Andrés Pastrana y Bolivia Jorge Quiroga, vinculados con una provocación anticubana. Source: Frustrada provocación anticubana L'articolo Frustrada provocación anticubana proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Primer vicepresidente cubano defiende informatización de la sociedad (+Fotos)  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:13) 
Primer vicepresidente cubano defiende informatización de la sociedad (+Fotos) La Habana, 7 mar (PL) El primer vicepresidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel defendió hoy la tesis de continuar el trabajo de la informatización de la sociedad, como un elemento que contribuirá al desarrollo integral de la isla caribeña. Source: Primer vicepresidente cubano defiende informatización de la sociedad (+Fotos) L'articolo Primer vicepresidente cubano defiende informatización de la sociedad (+Fotos) proviene da ,americannewsonline .
EEUU: Tras aparecer en losÓscar con otra mujer Guillermo del Toro confirma su divorcio (VIDEO)  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:12) 
EEUU: Tras aparecer en los Óscar con otra mujer Guillermo del Toro confirma su divorcio (VIDEO) CALIFORNIA.-  Después de presentarse con la guionista Kim Morgan  en la ceremonia del Premio Óscar,  el director mexicano Guillermo del Toro, tuvo que aclarar que se divorció de su mujer tras 30 años de unión. (AVANCE) Su protagonismo comenzó al  poner un pie sobre la alfombra roja del Kodak Theatre donde se llevó  la estatuilla a Mejor Dirección y a Mejor Película, porque no iba acompañado por su esposa, Lorenza Newton, sino por Kim Morgan, la guionista de su próximo trabajo cinematográfico, ‘Nightmare Alley’. Una sonada ausencia que Del Toro ha querido aclarar en conversación telefónica con la Agencia Reforma. “Me separé en febrero de 2017 y me divorcié en septiembre, pero poca gente sabía”, afirmó  el laureado director, que tiene dos hijas, Mariana y Marisa, con su ya ex mujer. “Kim trabaja conmigo, tenemos una buena amistad. Por si aparece al ...
Jerry Jones to pay NFL $2 million for legal fees  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:10) 
Jerry Jones to pay NFL million for legal fees Jerry Jones has agreed to pay the NFL more than $2 million in legal fees resulting from two disputes the Dallas Cowboys owner had with the league, a person with direct knowledge of the settlement tells The Associated Press. The amount to be paid was resolved Wednesday. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the NFL did not announce details. Commissioner Roger Goodell held an appeal hearing with Jones on Monday. That came a few days after Goodell assessed the financial penalties for Jones’ lawsuit to overturn the suspension of Cowboys star running back Ezekiel Elliott, and for a lawsuit Jones threatened to stop Goodell’s newly approved contract. Many owners were consulted on seeking restitution, including members of the finance committee. Some finance committee members are on the compensation committee that was at the center of what became a legal back-and-forth over Goodell’s deal. The restit ...
Caterpillar and Dollar Tree sink while H&R Block rallies  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:10) 
Caterpillar and Dollar Tree sink while H&R Block rallies NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Wednesday: Dollar Tree Inc., down $15.11 to $89.25 The discount retailer had a weak fourth quarter and its forecasts for 2018 disappointed investors. Caterpillar Inc., down $2.24 to $151.51 Most Read StoriesJudge rules Seattle homeless man?s truck is a homeOn eBay: the world?s first […] Source: Caterpillar and Dollar Tree sink while H&R Block rallies L'articolo Caterpillar and Dollar Tree sink while H&R Block rallies proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Craig Hanson  from ,americannewsonline  (7/3/2018 23:10) 
Craig Hanson It is with great sadness that the family of Craig Hanson announces his passing on Feb. 11, 2018, in Winthrop at the age of 69 years old. Craig was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to William Bert Hanson and Wenonah Ann Dahlquist Hanson of Roseau, Minnesota. After high school, Craig joined the U.S. Coast Guard to travel the world. He sailed from pole to pole on an icebreaker called the USS Glacier. He then studied welding and worked at the Hibbing Taconite Company while living on his farm with his family of chickens, goats and pet wolf Nikki. Over the past 30 years, Craig lived and traveled around the Pacific Northwest including Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Craig loved the outdoors and had many adventures, including riding his bicycle from Texas to Florida, riding from the one side of Canada to the other, and hiking many parts of the Pacific Crest Trails. He finally settled in Twisp, where he enjoyed his walks, his birds and socializing with the amazing and suppor ...
Il Frosinone Calcio sceglie IQUII come Official Digital Partner  from Freeonline.it - News  (7/3/2018 0:00) 
La Sport Business Unit della Digital Company IQUII sarà l?Official Digital Partner del Frosinone e fornitore esclusivo dei servizi digitali e mobile del club di Maurizio Stirpe
Optoforce presenta il software 3.0 e 3.1 per universal robots  from Freeonline.it - News  (7/3/2018 0:00) 
Il programma è stato completamente riscritto per aumentare la velocità e offrire nuove funzionalità di automazione.

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