La Coruña perde pênalti, empata e segue sem marcar sob o comando de Seedorf
from ,americannewsonline
(23/2/2018 22:59)
La Coruña perde pênalti, empata e segue sem marcar sob o comando de Seedorf
O começo da trajetória de Clarence Seedorf no Deportivo La Coruña não está sendo nada fácil. Nesta sexta-feira, na abertura da 25.ª rodada do Campeonato Espanhol, a equipe recebeu o Espanyol e seguiu sem marcar sob o comando do treinador. Ao menos, o holandês pôde comemorar seu primeiro ponto com o empate por 0 a […]
The post La Coruña perde pênalti, empata e segue sem marcar sob o comando de Seedorf appeared first on ISTOÉ Independente .
Source: La Coruña perde pênalti, empata e segue sem marcar sob o comando de Seedorf
L'articolo La Coruña perde pênalti, empata e segue sem marcar sob o comando de Seedorf proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Il 30 marzo arriva l'irriverenza di "Lercio" a Lucca!
from - News
(23/2/2018 0:00)
Alle 21 all'Auditorium ?Vincenzo Da Massa Carrara? di Porcari (LU), andrà in scena il ?Lercio Live Show?
Photos: Oakland Tech wins basketball game against McClymonds
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:59)
Photos: Oakland Tech wins basketball game against McClymonds
Click here if you are having trouble viewing the slideshow on a mobile device.
Oakland Tech won their Oakland Athletic League basketball home game 81-44 against McClymonds High in Oakland on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018. Oakland Tech next heads into the playoffs as the number one seed.
Source: Photos: Oakland Tech wins basketball game against McClymonds
L'articolo Photos: Oakland Tech wins basketball game against McClymonds proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Horóscopo para hoy 22 de febrero de 2018
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:38)
Horóscopo para hoy 22 de febrero de 2018
Aries (21 marzo-21 abril)
Incrementarás tu vitalidad realizando cada mañana diez minutos de gimnasia lenta.
Tauro (21 abril-21 mayo)
No te autoengañes sobre la viabilidad de un trato que estás a punto de cerrar.
Géminis (22 mayo-21 junio)
Explora profundamente tus sentimientos y los de tu pareja; sé más emocional.
Cáncer (21 junio-22 julio)
Está en tus manos vivir sin reservas cada momento que la vida te depara.
Leo (23 julio-22 agosto)
La buena fortuna te dará alguna señal alentadora. ¡Aprovéchala!
Virgo (23 agosto-23 setiembre)
En el amor, una segunda oportunidad de recuperar la relación se prevé positiva.
Libra (24 setiembre-23 octubre)
Concédete más tiempo para descansar y busca un espacio donde puedas relajarte.
Escorpio (24 octubre-22 noviembre)
De la adversidad se aprende muchas veces. No actúes por impulso.
Sagitario (23 noviembre-21 diciembre)
Lo que requieres para salir de problemas laborales y econ ...
Photos: Bishop O?Dowd beats Acalanes 3-1 in NCS semifinal soccer match
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:29)
Photos: Bishop O?Dowd beats Acalanes 3-1 in NCS semifinal soccer match
Click here if you are having trouble viewing the slideshow on a mobile device.
Bishop O’Dowd’s Josh Redfield scored two goals in the first half while his teammate Daniel Kjeldsen scored the third against Acalanes High in the second half of the North Coast Section Division III semifinal game at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, Wednesday night. Acalanes’ Mason Larrick scored in the first half.
Source: Photos: Bishop O?Dowd beats Acalanes 3-1 in NCS semifinal soccer match
L'articolo Photos: Bishop O?Dowd beats Acalanes 3-1 in NCS semifinal soccer match proviene da ,americannewsonline .
El Congreso se autoexcluye del control de la Contraloría
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:20)
El Congreso se autoexcluye del control de la Contraloría
¿El Congreso no quiere que lo controlen? Esa parece ser la intención de ese poder del Estado al incorporar en la Ley de Fortalecimiento de la Contraloría General de la República y del Sistema Nacional de Control excluirse de la supervisión que el organismo que dirige Nelson Shack realiza a todas las entidades públicas.
Por esas razones, el Gobierno de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski observó la norma que, luego de planteada por la Contraloría , sufrió dos modificaciones del Congreso , las cuales -según el Ejecutivo – no tenían sustento.
Uno de estos cambios -el principal y que el proyecto original no contemplaba- señala que el máximo organismo de control no podrá designar, a diferencia del resto de entidades, a los jefes y al personal que desarrollará esa labor de supervisión dentro del Congreso .
Al inicio, el proyecto tuvo como ...
Review: The original Bananarama triumphs in first-ever Bay Area concert
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:17)
Review: The original Bananarama triumphs in first-ever Bay Area concert
It finally happened.
The original Banarama – featuring vocalists Sara Dallin, Keren Woodward and Siobhan Fahey – performed its first ever Bay Area concert on Wednesday at the Warfield in San Francisco.
And the fact that it happened some 35 years after the band’s debut came out in 1983 only made the occasion that much grander. ( Read our interview with the band here. )
Related Articles
The original Bananarama is about to do something it’s never done
The popular ‘80s act, known for such major hits as “Cruel Summer” and “Venus,” sounded brilliant as it entertained some 2,000-plus fans with 90 minutes of fun dance-pop numbers.
The three vocalists, who were backed by a four-piece band, got off to a fast start as they opened the show with a solid take on “Nathan Jones.”
The original @VivaBananarama ...
Review: The original Bananarama triumphs in first-ever Bay Area concert
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:17)
Review: The original Bananarama triumphs in first-ever Bay Area concert
It finally happened.
The original Banarama – featuring vocalists Sara Dallin, Keren Woodward and Siobhan Fahey – performed its first ever Bay Area concert on Wednesday at the Warfield in San Francisco.
And the fact that it happened some 35 years after the band’s debut came out in 1983 only made the occasion that much grander. ( Read our interview with the band here. )
The popular ‘80s act, known for such major hits as “Cruel Summer” and “Venus,” sounded brilliant as it entertained some 2,000-plus fans with 90 minutes of fun dance-pop numbers.
The three vocalists, who were backed by a four-piece band, got off to a fast start as they opened the show with a solid take on “Nathan Jones.”
The original @VivaBananarama takes stage in SF
— Jim Harrington (@jimthecritic) February 22, 2018
The British group ...
North County School News, Feb. 22
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 9:00)
North County School News, Feb. 22
?Mini March Madness? basketball March 1
Carlsbad Unified School District and the city of Carlsbad Recreation Department host their annual ?Mini March Madness? basketball tournament starting at 2 p.m. March 1 at Poinsettia School, 2445 Mica Road. The teams are composed of fifth-grade boys…
Source: North County School News, Feb. 22
L'articolo North County School News, Feb. 22 proviene da ,americannewsonline .
Anglo American dobra lucro em 2017, mas resultado vem abaixo do esperado
from ,americannewsonline
(22/2/2018 8:59)
Anglo American dobra lucro em 2017, mas resultado vem abaixo do esperado
A Anglo American divulgou hoje que teve lucro líquido de US$ 3,17 bilhões em 2017, representando praticamente o dobro do ganho de 1,59 bilhão apurado no ano anterior. O resultado, porém, ficou um pouco abaixo da projeção de US$ 3,25 bilhões de analistas consultados pela FactSet. A receita da mineradora subiu 22% no ano passado, […]
The post Anglo American dobra lucro em 2017, mas resultado vem abaixo do esperado appeared first on ISTOÉ Independente .
Source: Anglo American dobra lucro em 2017, mas resultado vem abaixo do esperado
L'articolo Anglo American dobra lucro em 2017, mas resultado vem abaixo do esperado proviene da ,americannewsonline .